Temples at Aihole

Aihole (pronounced "Ahhh-heee-ohl-eee") is a town about 46 Km northeast of Badami. It was the capitol of the Chalukyas for 200 years. There are actually 125 temples in the area, but I didn't have time to see them all. I really only went to see two small temples complexes here.


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A tiny cave to the right of the main temple.

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A small temple to the left of the main one here.

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A bull (?) sculpture. It's very weathered from the years it's been here. This is right in front of the main temple.

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The main temple

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A little temple to the right (seen in the previous picture too).

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A carved wall on the left side of the first room of the temple.

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The second main chamber in the temple, in the center of the room.

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A really burnt out room to the right of the first room.

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A view from the first room, looking to the right a bit. On the far right is the burnt out room, on the left is the second main chamber with the Linga.

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This is the ceiling of the main building.

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The Linga in the second room in the center of the temple. There's clearly been a lot of fires in here, and there are carved out holes in the ground that looks like they've had fires in them for years.

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Another temple complex around Aihole.

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This is small building. The stones in front can be seen from the opposite direction in the previous picture.

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The Linga in the main temple here.

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The door leading to the small room containing the Linga in the main temple.

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The view of the surrounding countryside from the temple.

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This is a really deep pit next to the temples - I don't know if they are building a new temple here or restoring an old one or what.

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